Insulting? No.
Using only light and rubbish, Tim Noble and Sue Webster are able to create stunning shadow sculptures. Collecting household waste, rubbish, scrap metal and taxidermy animals, these artistic collaborators fuse together found materials into seemingly random formations and conglomerations. It is only when lit from a certain angle that you see the actual result, a perfectly formed shadow cast upon the wall, revealing the silhouettes of people or animals. Meticulously hand crafted, these works require an abstracted view of reality to create, as what you see in the physical structure is not what appears on the wall.
Music plays a heavy influence into their work, and they ask the same thing of their work that they ask of their musical choices: to push boundaries and expectations:
With an intensive eye towards alternative materials and transformation, Tim Noble and Sue Webster are pushing boundaries and raising eyebrows with their elaborate works.“I think anything that’s a bit of a rocket up the arse, anything that kicks against the routine, against the mundane things that close down your mind, is a refreshing and good thing. Punk did that very successfully . . . it offered a direct and instant means of producing products or things."

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